A tall, ginger lad. About 6ft. Probably a predator. Loves a thatchers gold at the weekend.
‘Oh look, there’s a Dan watson. Hide the children!’
a meme that is this guy named dan who is pretty disgusted of his life. So, these people made a meme out of him using everything that makes you feel disgusted in life.
When you find out what Truffle Butter actually means...( insert Disgusted Dan meme pic here)
A tall guy, sweaty bollocks and a mouldy arse hole
Look at that Dan Moss over there, what a dirty man
Digger Dan is a definition of a cool privileged white man that mains omen that has the ability to seduce any male or female he sees.
When the success rate says 90%, but really means 10%.
There's no way I should have failed....that's some straight up Dan Math right there...
Well known for his skill in sucking eggs. Dan can be found while being mobbed by a small man called John and a fucking smackhead girl called emma. He is extremely good looking and attractive and you are lucky to even know him because he is the best person I know❤️ He is also a certified Ming mong.
Dan: Don’t tell me how to suck eggs I’m dan mosavi for gods sake.