Source Code

butt ninja

A karate butt humper

"woah! i just got raped by a fucking sneaky butt ninja! i hate my life!"

by poopOnsatan April 26, 2003

66๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mall Ninja

A term used in the firearm community to describe an individual who is obsessed with tactical, paramilitary style firearms and modifications, particularly firearms composed mostly of plastic. Such individuals are usually un-experienced novices who compulsively overpay for weapons and accessories not worth their weight in dog crap because such items looked cool in movies and video games.

Jeff: "Dude check out my new AR-15. Its got quad rails, a flashlight/ laser combination, a dummy grenade launcher, a bayonet, a telescoping stock, and an ACOG scope!"

Matt: "Dude check out my .30/06 Remington 700 with a custom walnut stock and a Leupold scope. I can kill a deer at 500 yards with factory ammo! Can your AR do that?"

Jeff: "Uh, No..."

Matt: "Didn't think so. Admit it. You're a damn MALL NINJA!"

by Piecemaker June 22, 2010

488๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ninja Gaiden

Ninja Gaiden n. One of the greatest sidescrolling hack n' slash videogame series' ever to grace the Nintendo Entertainment System. And it stars a NINJA!! 'Nuff said. (Note: Not to be confused with the newly updated 3D version for the X Box; we're talking old-school here!)

Billy: "Hey! Wanna come outside and play soccer?"

Serious Ninja Gamer: "Not now, jackass! I'm almost up to level 7-3 in NINJA GAIDEN!

by Mr. Pirate May 27, 2004

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Glitter Ninja

Noun: Someone who, in an act of desperation, throws glitter in the air (as to take everyone else off guard/ distract them), then escapes the general area.

Jane: "Hey, what do you think about kids?"

John: "Uh...." *tosses glitter at Jane*

-John successfully turns into a glitter ninja

by Glitter Ninja Master August 1, 2011

23๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

ninja pimp

{Pronounced - nin-jer pim-p}
Linking/meeting/texting/screwing a number of different girls at one time ( not literally all at the same time though... see orgy ) with all of them oblivious to your pimping ways.


A ninja who happens to also be a pimp or a pimp who also happens to be a ninja.

homeboy #1 : I hear Dave's got 15 different bitches on the go this week!
homeboy #2 : Yeah, Dave sure is a ninja pimp


Pedistrian : Shit was that a ninja in the Caddilcac...must be a ninja pimp!

by original_ninja_pimp January 18, 2006

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Ninja Goodbye

After sex move. Once you finished fucking your girl and she's getting ready to leave, you karate chop her and then throw her out. This would be if she's talking too much or just getting annoying in general.

After we got down she was talking too much so I have her the ninja goodbye.

by SkipJackson August 5, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pink Ninja

Pink Ninjas are stealthy, and strike without warning. They are experts at concealment, until they become overly excited. Typically 5 1/2 - 6 inches tall and with prominent veins, they are accompanied by their two faithful hairy companions.

Alternatively, another name for the penis.

The pink ninja slipped into the bushy undergrowth.

by oxford english dick March 26, 2009

50๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž