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nico and luca

Two sexy young italian men. They get all the ladies ;) and also sometimes the men.

I wish i could have a boyfriend like Nico and Luca<3

by CheekyNiccy March 12, 2019

Lucas Zernicke

A man among men a person with such high masculinity they can grow a beard overnight.

This type of man uses sand paper as TP and eats nine inch nails as breakfast cereal.

Adjective: Wow, that man just arm wrestled a grizzly bear while drinking pepper spray. They are such a Lucas Zernicke.

by Michael Foiler August 10, 2021

Lucas and Dante

Lucas and Dante are soulmates who fall in love at first sigh in life after life. They are lovers with an unbelievable connection that anyone but them can understand because of their high compatibility and linked fates. This couple is always clingy, sweet and deep, they can't be apart from each other in any way. The red thread of fate has engaged their lives forever and ever as destined lovers in body and soul. They enjoy their own company as no other, being comfortably themselves around and always showing their love with cloying words and actions that make them hearts beat faster. They are in love.

Lucas and Dante are meant to be.

by ⭐️ू ₒ ु 💧 ू ₒ ु 🗯 June 15, 2022

sexy lucas

The most sexy man on planet earth .. he just doesn’t know it !!!

Wow Lucas is so sexy man wtf !! Sexy Lucas

by Sexybex September 2, 2021

Lucas Russell

An uncontrollable force of utter chaos and destruction. He is an 8-foot-tall 30-year-old bodybuilder compressed into a short person. Run, he is now locked on to you.

Person 1: Lucas Russell is on his way
Person 2: Brother, pray to whatever god you may have that you are fast enough

by HUYNHHUYNHHUYNH July 25, 2022

lucas murphy

Known as moldylechuga on Xbox this sexy alpha male will beat the shit out of you like a gorilla if you piss him off to a certain extent. He likes football, red dead redemption 2, call of duty, hunting, memes, heavy things, and friends

Pilkospilkie was here

Person1: did you see Lucas hit some kid with his lunch-trey after they dumped chocolate milk on his white shirt

Person2: yeah Lucas Murphy is the best

by Pilkospilkie June 22, 2021

Lucas Pryor


wow he likes men, he is a lucas pryor

by Summit1G December 30, 2017