the sound on tiktok where guys and girls post their friends glow ups and if you’re lucky it gets viral. and some of the guys have a MAJOR glowup
friend 1: *sees first second of video* this guy is not gonna glow up wth *watches more* HOLY SHIT THATS HOT
friend 2: oh wow that is hot 😳😳😳🤰🏻
(american boy but shibuya is there to)
a youtuber who has horrible youtube videos, and is just like morgz
buts he's american
there are american morgz in youtube
American Portion: Noun. The Whole Damn Thing . All serving in one package.
"Jimmy had an American Portion of pizza and a 48oz diet Coke"
An infamous C-band porn channel that was taken down by an obscenity suit due to a kid going behind his parents' back and taping footage off the channel and showing it to his friends.
American EXXXtasy used to cost $490 in 1985 bucks to sign up for a three-year subscription, or $1,146 adjusted for inflation.
'American EXXXtasy. We EXXXcite You.'
This is most often confused with actual starvation. It's the time when one thinks one is about to die of hunger, when actually, Americans have no idea what starving is because they are, on average, fed three meals a day.
(1) I'm so starving! I could eat a whole elephant!
(2) Oh really? You are so starving? Because you just ate about an hour ago.
(1) Fine! I'm American Starving.
The verbal diarrhea flying out of a stereotypical American's mouth, typically based on their ill-advised or just plainly ridiculous beliefs.
Adapted from: Cyanide & Happiness, Comic 5640
Jack: It's our God-given right to shoot those lazy motherf*****s who refuse to work during a FAKE NEWS pandemic who just want to collect benefits all year long and
You, interrupting: Jack, it looks like you have a case of American Diarrhea.