When a mentally unstable greek man who controls 99% of Cyprus' wealth starts smacking his balls to assert dominance.
Cyprus resident: "I had to tickle nicks balls to pay rent this month"
The point at which your testicals are so sweaty they could function as a water feature.
Wow Bills so sweaty he must have Niagara Balls.
You can use it in the sense of someone or something being bad at something or look bad. Basically something that is not good or shit.
Nah that nigga Steven is freeze balls. Yo Nick your Air Force ones are freeze balls clean dem shits my boy.
When a man's scrotum comes into contact with his own feces during the evacuation of his stool. Typically this man ignores the fecal matter and allows it to fester on his ball sack. Fecal balls are commonly discovered during sexual activity.
Maureen wasn't surprised to find Jim had fecal balls. He never had the best hygiene. Luckily Maureen has no limits and cleaned him.
When a man shoves his balls in a cows ass and sticks them in your mouth.
"Hey Frank, I hear you and Kyle's mom are getting pretty serious."
"You heard right, Toby. Last night she came by the farm and had a healthy serving of beef balls. Kyle's mom loves beef balls. Tomorrow I might give her a carabeef ball."
A ball played into a crowded penalty area, usually before a game of football takes place.
(ball is crossed into box)
Shouts of: Mixxeerrr baaall As everyone attacks the ball, usually with head or acrobatic volley. This is called a mixer ball.
long term damage
originating from the movie "Ghosting" when Alex ran over Nick's leg so Nick punched him in the balls. Nick ended up being fine, but Alex's ball was permanently damaged.
That guy punched you pretty hard. Are you sure your ok?
Yea I'm fine. This isn't like Alex's ball.