blake is the best guy around. hes sweet, funny, cute and handsome. he can make anyone laugh no matter how bad of a day they are having. he can make anyone smile. his dick is huge. i mean humongous. gigantic. monstrous. girthy asf. enormous. colossal. his smile is the cutest thing you will ever see. he is the sweetest guy and would hit a woman for you. blake is a very lovable guy and he has bitches on his dick 24/7. he is a strong beefy guy who will carry you over his shoulder if you try to fight someone
any person: i love blake hes my best friend
me: gruesomely kills them
Blake’s are amazing boys. They are usually smart, funny, sweet, and cute. If you ever have a blake, don’t let them go. If you ever have a blake as your boyfriend, he will treat you right, just don’t be the dumb one that lets him go. You may instantly fall in love with him because once you start talking you don’t stop. He will always forgive and be the one to give you flowers, chocolates, necklaces, and many more presents. You’ll always be his top priority and everyone needs a blake.
Girl: dang I wish that blake Guy was mine.
Other girl: he is mine, and is the best.
a man who has the audacity to send a girl a video of him jerking with a shampoo bottle in his ass
rando "did you here about that video of the kid beating it?" rando 2 "i bet their name is Blake"
A shitty dirty and otherwise horrible food place that everything thinks its the best located mostly in New Mexico. Known for green chilli but they dont know how dirty the place is behind the counter. Low Pay, Low Standards.
Hey dont go to blake's, you will get the shits
lalalaalal ew lalalala annoying alalalala smol dick alalalalalala pussy alalala flat
simga man ultra simga yo enver know what hes thinking about dont mess with him or you are sure to feel true pain, remember to never mess with him, women fear him, fish want him
you never want to mess with a BLAKE and never underestimate him
Blake is very goofy and dumb. He can’t take a joke sometimes and gets very annoyed. He is very caring and kind but when it comes to being a boyfriend he isn’t. He’s not very good at being a boyfriend at all, he will treat you well but behind your back he’s the type of guy to be called a player. When He says he doesn’t care about something he does.
Blake is very snide.