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Bing bong

When someone says something stupid you say bing bong to call them dumb

Just said that dogs were pink so I said bing bong

by Kdog131 October 18, 2019

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Bong Bangs

When a person's bangs (the hair hanging over their forehead) are uneven due to holding a lighter or other incendiary device too close, too often, as when commonly happens to long haired marijuana smokers.

The Hippie accidentally gave himself Bong bangs when he tried to light his cigarette off the stove.

You can tell which hand Melissa smokes with, since her bong bangs start on the right side.

by SB-HippieSage July 7, 2012

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r.i.p bongs

To be so good at "ripping" or "hitting" a bong that you get high before most people!

Me: I am high.
Not Me: No you're not!
Me: Yeah, I am.
Not me: No, you're NOT!
Me: Dude, I fucking R.I.P Bongs! Fuck you!
Not me: Shit, my bad...
Me: Nah, it is cool...
Not me: Why the acronym "R.I.P"?
Me: Well, Not me, it is because the acronym "R.I.P" means "Rest In Peace".
Not me: So?
Me: So? So? So I get high and then "Rest In Peace", because I am already so high.
Not me: What does R.I.P have to do with smoking?
Me: Because I get so high I can't move, as if I were dead.

by gonad_grinder777 March 18, 2014

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gasmask bong

a bong most true stoners smoke out of that is made of a water bong and a gasmask

man i like my gasmask bong

by motherfuckingpothead May 6, 2015

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donkey bong

A person who sucks, is a moron, fool, or someone with lots of muscles.

You are a donkey bong you moron!

by Matthew T. Kane June 20, 2006

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When you high as hell and got the munchies and you get something delicious to eat, you respect the French and Say "BONG APP THE TITS"

Stoner 1 : dude I'm high as hell let's eat sum Gordan Ramsey shit

Stoner 2 : hell yeah BONG APP THE TITS !

by Alpha Male OG 90s Baby November 10, 2019

Shower Bong Effect

When you fart in the shower and the water intensifies the smell.

The shower bong effect is when you rip an average fart in the shower and you almost have to exit because of the intense smell.

by runbucky March 20, 2011