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Classical music

"Classical music" is a broad term used for music that was composed hundreds of years ago but "Classical music" fans will tell you that it is divided into 4 major eras: Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and Romantic.
Which had many famous composers like: Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt, Bach and many more.

And that is "Classical music" in a nutshell but if you want to start exploring "Classical music" then I'll try to guide you a bit

1: "Classical music" is often stereotyped as a music who is composed by old people listened by old people who complain about younger generations, but again just a stereotype and don't let anyone judge you for your likings. Music related or not.

2: start by listening to popular compositions that you probably heard a few seconds of it like fur elise by beethoven. Just listen to the whole piece And there are alot of other popular compositions that you might see in movies, bands or anime and pop culture which ill state some examples to help you start your journey.

La casa de papel (season 5): when "Berlin" was talking to his son you hear the piece Fantaisie Impromptu by Chopin.
Sabaton: one music played by the band called "The Red Baron" which has the first minute of Little fugue in G minor by Bach.
Your lie in April : one worthy mention is Ballade No.1 in G minor by Chopin which appeared in both of this anime series but you might see some spoilers for the anime so search it in caution :)

and that is it but remember: life isn't all Beethoven.

Good example:

Friend: hey, this song seems familiar what is its?
Classical music enjoyer: it is ballade No.1 in g minor by chopin.
Friend: it seems cool, I heard it in the movie "the pianist" God the movie was heartbreaking. Can I listen to it with you?
Classical music enjoyer: sure thing!

Bad example:

Classical music worshipper: ugh what the hell are you listening to?
An intellectual: it is rap
Classical music worshipper: Rap? Don't make me laugh why you waste your time listening to these degenerates that keep talking about drugs and sex there are no other music that compares to classical music because it is the most superior of them all!
An intellectual: you are contributing to nothing to classical music. You are just fueling the stereotype and you should grow up. not because you play the first 2 notes of fur elise means that you are a much superior human being and that your shit doesn't smell. A fucking tomato has more genes than both of us then why act so high and mighty? if you want people to love classical music then don't trash on other genres because you are doing nothing but repel people from you and the community as a whole

So next time act more nicer to people around you and you might see better results.

by Smol J September 23, 2021

Classic Volco

When you win a match by pure luck

1: "FFS how did I lose this??"
2: "Nah man he just pulled a Classic Volco"

by WaterfallSTUNT October 24, 2017

Classic Orlando

Dumb shit you don't remember saying or doing.

Orlando went to McDonald's drive through at 2 am and ordered 40 chicken mcnuggets that he didn't remember eating. Classic Orlando

by Amp9933 February 9, 2022

southern classic

A threesome with a mother and daughter

I'd like to run a southern classic on that hoss's wife and daughter

by Hossboss69 February 14, 2023

Tuborg Classic

The very tippity top of Danish beer. Its like Tuborg, but its better.

Guy 1: Man, we should go drinking tonight
Guys 2: Yea, but not some of that Carlsberg, miss me with that gay shit.

Guy 1: ofc dude, we only drink the best beer here, Tuborg Classic

by Viktor(aka) Brian(aka) delle May 14, 2018

Classical argument

A more refined form of argumentation from simpler times. Unlike modern argument, where one party seeks to assert emotional dominance over the other through the employment of manipulative tactics, classical argument involves the pure exchange of information and growth of one's own understanding of the world. The outcome of a classical argument is the mutual growth of logical fluency, where both parties are able to recognize flaws in their own reasoning and leave with an improved philosophical maturity.

"We had a classical argument about the nature of free will in my philosophy class yesterday. It was super informative and really fun!"

by Inlovewithabsol January 23, 2023

Classic Kinda Move

When someone says one thing but does the opposite shortly after, in a way that feels insincere, deceptive, or even a bit manipulative. It’s the kind of behavior that comes across as snake-like, showing a clear disregard for the trust or understanding built in the prior conversation.

Person 1: "Hey Kinda, you want to play video games later?"
Kinda: “hello, won't be availabale today sorry”
An hour later, Person 1 sees Kinda online, playing a game with other people.

Person 1: classic Kinda Move

by bruhdotjpeg December 6, 2024