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An adjective to describe when you have a chronotype that is divergent or different from the typical or "normal" chronotype. It can also be a noun (chronodivergence). Similar to neurodivergent and neurodivergence.

I just learned that as a night owl, I am chrono(di)vergent!

People who are anomalies with their sleep schedules are often referred to as chrono(di)vergent.

by LingDanc803 July 13, 2023

and this is how the website will die. This is how everything dies.

water melon sugar

and this is how the website will die. This is how everything dies.

by mega_gay_priest June 22, 2021

Jerry Springer Dies At 79

Jerry Springer, the controversial and influential talk show host who fused chaos and entertainment while showcasing the underbelly of America on daytime television, has died at the age of 79.

Springer’s family confirmed his death in a statement to Rolling Stone Thursday, noting that he died peacefully at his home in the suburbs of Chicago; while no cause of death was provided, it was reported recently that Springer had been diagnosed with cancer.

Jerry Springer Dies At 79 News Report

by SPrice1980 April 27, 2023


the bestest way to ever express your sadness in the middle of a random conversation you may have

person 1: SO THEN SHE-
person 2: *dies*

by meliskaunicor March 15, 2023

Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies

A frase on dnd that the DM says when he is fed up with the players, resulting in a TPK

Player: I would like to fuck the dragon.
DM: (Stranged) ok... roll persuasion.
Player: NAT 20 BABYYYYYY!!!!

by Jodeui March 17, 2023

Eating Dis Order

When several people are ordering at a restaurant and someone orders something big or good or deep fried and then some skinny bitch at the table orders like a side salad or a cup of tea or some other weird try hard skinny bitch shit basically the order itself is a dis to the person who originally ordered.

Yeah I don’t know like I hope she’s okay and healthy and everything but last time we went out together she kept going to the bathroom alone and then didn’t order anything all night I feel like she might have an eating dis order.

by BobFlossy April 22, 2023

This is how everything dies.

Is this what the world has come to?
Is this our legacy?
Will you remember me?
Or will I too fall into oblivion?

I suppose only time will tell,

even then
all I am
is a name on a screen.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

This is how everything dies.”

by discordrat September 6, 2021