Lesbian girl or a nigga with a ugly haircut
“But yo hairline make u look like a dyke
Commonly mistaken for guydyke, a guide-dyke is the dyke who guides a woman out of her heterosexuality and into the comforting embrace of lesbianism.
Hi, my name is Sharon and I'll be your guide-dyke for the evening.
My first girlfriend's name was Elizabeth, and she was the best guide-dyke I could have asked for!
I wouldn't have ever known I was a lesbian if it wasn't for my guide-dyke, Cara.
A bar known for comprising a clientele mainly of lesbians.
My nigga we hit a dyke dive and ain't finna be naan pussy
A dyke hand occurs when a photo is taken and the individual in the photo has their arm around another person's shoulder. Causing the dyke hand. Formation of the hand that seems to be somewhat deformed or somewhat awkward looking.
Girl 1 - "Oh my god I love this picture of us!"
Girl 2 - "Me too! but I have a dyke hand!"
A stain produced by two Dykes when scissoring on top of a babies corps.
Jenny and Mary left a huge dyke stain on my bed last night.
A manly/masculine woman that is often mistaken as a man(usually a homosexual).ofter wears red flannel and imposes their will on other people. And never believes their wrong. Usually walking aggressively and swinging their arm aggressively.
Whos that small angry lumberjack running around telling everyone what to do? ….oh thats just that bull-dyke erin.
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