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The act of laying on a couch for multiple hours with a laptop laying on your belly and munching on a bag of generic chips, all while in a catatonic state.

"Hey bro, have you heard of Ethaning?"

"Nah, what it is it?"

"Well to Ethan is like Tebowing, but for stoners."

by DougsForDays August 14, 2014

4πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


Ethan is a boy who loves memes A LOT and makes you LaUgH. he becomes friends with people really easily, and if your having a bad day you can talk to him because he makes you laugh. hes actually really cute to tho. and hes a big SmArT AsS. but there is one bad thing... He has a CHEATING ASS BROTHER WHO IS A WHORE AND CHEATS ON YOU WITH YOUR BEST FRIEND! but hes a bit slow so... back to Ethan, he is the sweetest person you will ever meet, and he likes to call people BITCHES... but i know hes joking..i think:/ hes they type of person to yell "FAGGOT" at the top of his lungs. well that is Ethan for ya. "im Ethan and im 14 slayin all these women wit my massive peen, i got a couple of hobby's besides bein blond, like preforming for my boys with my ribbon bitton, i drink lots of soda and hang out at the mall. i used to skate bored but i knocked out a ball!"

ethan is odd

by sponge bob is thicc April 13, 2019

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Ethan is the type of person you hate being around. Usually Ethan’s are homosexual and are very ugly. If you see an Ethan run the other direction quickly before he tries to rape you.

Hey watch out he’s an Ethan, I heard they are very gay and like to rape older men

by Littlejimmy778 February 11, 2018

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Ethan is gay

by Herbert snizenburg October 19, 2018

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a little bitch that broke me

remember ethan?, yeah the one in 7th grade he’s a lil mf

by itsbrittanybeach November 24, 2018

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a little bitch that broke me

remember ethan?, yeah the one in 7th grade he’s a lil mf

by itsbrittanybeach November 24, 2018

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Looks like Caillou.

Girl 1: Look over there he's pretty cute.
Girl 2: No he's not he looks like an Ethan.
Girl 1: I wasn't talking about the bald baby face i'm talking about the one with hair.

by Kermit_da_frog54 May 2, 2018

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