A Giggling nice sweet person that loves to dance but does know she’s bad and still does anything calm and Nice. If you have one as a friend keep them they’ll always be great and keep you company they’re there when you need them and gone when you don’t keep them for as long as you can and hold on tight stay with them forever and Love them There calm hard-working people they can be dyslexic but still smart and trys
Person one: oh look it’s a Georgia
Person two: I heard they’re very smart and persistent
Person one: they’re also there when you need them
Person two: let’s go make friends with them
Georgia normally has a rare best friend called Gracie!
Wow you're friendship is so georgia
The Georgia is yummy
The living proof that underage girls turning on guys online is still a valid buisness model.
Damn! I lost no nut November to Georgia Twinn!
A nickname given to vultures and buzzards.
Look at those Georgia Eagles swirling that carcass.
a fictional country i made that is also as small as fuck and existed between 2023-2024
not to be confused with Georgia, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
"Hey want to go to South Georgia?"
"What is that?"
"I'm better off going by myself.."
A swing state in the south eastern United States that is full of peaches and a**holes
Bill: Where you going on holiday this year?
Jim: Georgia
Bill: Which one
Jim: Georgia the state