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A variety of "greasy spoon" family-owned restaurants for which a majority of the menu contains Greek Specialty dishes. Note: Many coney island restaurants fit this description

Person #1: So I went to Plaka Cafe last night after the bar closed

Person #2:Are you serious!? That's such a greeksy-spoon.

by Brad Czerniak October 19, 2005

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rusty spoon

when u get wasted at a party and pass out. The next morning you awake with some sort of silverware(mainly a spoon)up your ass for no aparent reason.

Chris:"how was the party last nite?"
Aaron:"pretty good, except for me wakin up with a rusty spoon!"
Dillon:my pants smell like fish tacos

by NiPz Is MyHerO November 13, 2005

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spoon hips

description of a woman's lower abdomen in which her waist hangs concave below her hip bones and pubic mound (vulva) creating the impression that her lower abdomen is concave like a spoon. The effect is heightened if her hip bones are set wide apart and she has a narrow upper body - like the handle of the spoon.

That model is so thin she has spoon hips.

by wouldaben January 4, 2011

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when two people lay so close together they look like a spoon.

1. one day keenan went to spend the night at a young boy named nicks house. when it was time to go to sleep young nick started spooning with little keenan. and when keenan woke up one the next day and his bootie was hurting.

by woogie boogie January 4, 2007

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Spoon cold

When it's so cold that the only way to warm up is to engage in the act of spooning.

Our heater isn't working, so it's just as spoon cold indoors as out.

by Rurouni KJS November 5, 2010

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Spoon Swagging

Some stupid thing justin bieber made up in an attemp to be "funny" and "original"

Girl 1: Justin was spoonswagging at his concert yesterday!
Girl 2: What the hell is spoon swagging?
Girl 1: Oh, well he moves this spoon back and fowards and pretends to be eating from it so-
Girl 2: Ew. -walks away-

by StimulatedConversation December 22, 2010

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spiky spoon

the gayest straight guy ever

erm, luke

by vandalistic vanbustic vanamoosh November 27, 2003

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