When you first wake up and you are stupider than normal.
Dude, I can’t do that right now I got morning brain.
When a girl is super attractive but really dumb, usually has big boobs, lots of make up and is very dimsighted.
Guy 1: "hey did you ever get with that girl?"
Guy 2: "no man, she has boobs for brains, I couldn't even have a normal conversation with her"
Guy 1: "that blows.."
A pp brain is when a person is stupid in the head
It could also mean craving pp or having a dirty mind
fam, why you always having a pp brain smh
when your gf/bf covers your nose with their mouth and blows up your nostrils giving you a weird tingly feeling in your head
I was making out with my boyfriend when he decided to give me a brain job. he is so weird
A relentless maths teacher that overestimates everyone and imposes her beliefs on the students’ brains, therefore butchering them.
Dave: “What’s up, Darren- OH GOD! WHAT IS THAT, A FOREHEAD HERNIA-!?”
Darren: “No, Mr. Biggshoson brain butchered my brain this maths lesson.”
Dave: “how does one do such a horrible thing...?”
Darren: “He gave us 10 extra questions do finish off before the lesson. If we didn’t, then detentions galore.”
Dave: “oh”
Sudden onset Venthyr brain can occur when a player (typically parse oriented) makes the decision to join the Venthyr covenant. This decision can lead to rapidly decaying brain matter that severely effects performance in raid encounters.
Symptoms can include: Constant complaining, recurring deaths, overusage of power infusion, and lack of movement.
Battle res Faun again, Venthyr Brain man...