The right to hit either a bong or bowl first, due to the fact that you are the one who packed such device
“Hell yeah ima rip this bong” said billy
“no your not dick cheese because I got packers rights!!!” Said jerry
Meaning, that is right or correct.
Ash right baby you’re cute as hell.
Means to get things back on track.
" I know that I messed up but I promise I can m't right.
Doing the right thing just to impress people but not meaning it.... Or
Pretending to be righteous outside but opposite outside
Sasha: your right-ish behavior may just lead you to losing victor if you don't show him who you really are.
Lucy: he's mine already
The right to pot the remaining balls on the table after winning a game of pool.
Dave: Well played, fancy another game?
Sean: Yeah, after my winners rights
Ambivalent Right (noun):
A political group primarily leaning Republican but holding mixed or moderate views on certain social issues, immigration, and foreign policy.
Characterized by alignment with core conservative values on government size, regulation, and economics, while showing more progressive stances on topics like abortion and same-sex marriage.
Often younger and more ethnically diverse than other GOP groups, the Ambivalent Right expresses dissatisfaction with both major political parties, reflecting a complex blend of conservatism with nuanced social views.
I live in the Deep South, but I voted purple on the ballot sheet. I want small government and support abortion for medical purposes. I’m conservative, but agree with some Democrat ideologies. I suppose this makes me ambivalent right.
"arse rights" refers to any incident where a person lays claim to a particular seat or space for sitting by calling arse rights. It is similar to calling "dibs" on a seat.
"That bean bag is looking very appealing to me right now. I better call arse rights before somebody else parks their arse on it."
As contained in the declaration of independence: "Everybody has intrinsic arse rights. That is, the right to claim a space for the purpose of sitting"
Caoimhe: "Is there anybody sitting here?"
Hugh: "Eh, no"
Caoimhe: "Ah sweet I call arse rights so. This seat is now mine."