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Kayla is the best person and is better than Kailee, Sophie, Kenzie, Grace, and Alyson.

“Kayla is cool 🧃 and hot🥵

by This is NOT Kayla ! June 5, 2021


A kayla,
A kayla is a very defined person who is beautiful in her ways and is always there for you when you need to talk. She also has a great scense of humour even though sometimes it dosent make scense you can have a laugh about it with her. She isnt the tallest person in the world but also isnt a midget. But be careful, she can also be a snake.

Boy: Yo man, have you seen that girl, whats her name...
Boy 2: ah, you must be talking about kayla! shes so funny! shes made me crap my pants with her humour!

Kayla, is an amazing person.

by Self conscious freak July 19, 2018



Kaylas Kayla

by kiddiddler14 June 26, 2023



Monstorouz Kayla!

by TrumpTheKiđkissingSexoffenđer. March 18, 2021


A bubbly vegan emotionally manipulated by a bald man who has been taking Ls for 9 months.

I love you rob as much as i love trees !

Fuck you kayla

by marble moose March 24, 2024



i’m kayla bahahahahh

by July 25, 2022


Hands Down the absolutely most Gorgeous girl on this earth

Kayla wasn't just pretty. she was downright gorgeous

by MartinezD July 9, 2022