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Gamer legs

When you're a hardcore gamer with an arkward leg position whilst pwning on games - the result after a couple of years is having loss quite a large amount of hair from the backs of your legs due to such harsh gaming the friction has caused hair loss

Craig wondered why it looked like someone had shaved his back of his leg. I cryed with laughter until upon further inpection of my own legs I realised I also was bald as a fucking coot. Gamer legs for life

by ddpro October 11, 2009

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chicken legs

someone who has very small and pale legs, often someone from ireland.

they love the sun, but yet once they go out they burn.
these people are mostly moody and will never stop talking about how pale they are.

"Mia, your legs are like chicken legs"

by LiaOb June 3, 2020

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Frog leg

1. (n) A small bent marijuana cigarette.

Give me a toke of that frog leg.

by mophoneman April 20, 2018

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lululemon leggings

tight pants every white girl wears

girl: *stands up and pulls up lululemon leggings*
boy: omg her ass is a whole bakery

by campbutmakeit_concentration_ January 12, 2020

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jangle leg

a man with an extremely large penis

Girl that jangle leg rooted my pussy so fine, I couldn't walk for a week.

by Cap'n Swag November 24, 2017

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stretching legs

another term for a girl to finger herself

Last night, a girl was stretching legs on cam.

by majesta December 27, 2006

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Cotton leg

a twitching of the leg in response to genital stimulation and/or inner thigh pinching.

The lady and I were foolin' around the other night. She did something crazy with the boys and I got the cotton leg.

by h stormer November 22, 2010

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