Llama lord is a llama who rules over things in a funny way. If you have kik come join us #llamalordisdaddy
I sat there as Llama lord walked by
An accident that occurs after imbibing copious amounts of alcohol, preferably Lord Calvert Whisky for a genuine experience.
Be careful out on the rocks! You don't want to slip and have a Lord Calvert! I am not taking you to the hospital!
The almighty lord of the coons
All hail the mighty coon lord
An admin/moderator of a Facebook group with between 1-50 members who can't form sentences and romanticises their role as leader. It's an ironic term derived from the romance poet Lord Byron.
Group Admin: "My group I did banned you because did swearing."
Banned Member: "Okay Lord Byron, tell me again in a legible sentence structure."
Lord VIC is the most powerful entity in the universe as we know it today
All Heil Lord Vic
Cream of Wheat, butter, and sugar.
Basically a soup.
Dish of lords.
“Hey John, want the Lord’s Dish?”
The Edgiest Person In Your School And Will Ruin Your Day And Will Show You His Collections
Jack Chino Luka The Third Is The Ultimate Mcedge Lord