Fraudulent Louis Vuitton merchandise. It's estimated that 99% of LV branded goods aren't genuine. If you see someone with an LV bag, it's overwhelmingly likely to be fake.
Basic bitches buy $40 Louis Fauxton bags made out of plastic. Brandthirsty bitches buy $200 Louis Fauxton bags made from canvas and leather. Status whores buy $500+ all-leather Louis Fauxton bags (usually a Capucines or Epi leather) replicated at a perfect 1:1 ratio .
True "AAA" or 1:1" Louis Fauxton bags are almost as rare as genuine LV and can sometimes mistakenly be authenticated and even repaired or heat stamped by LV.
"I can't afford to buy a new Louis Vuitton Empreinte Speedy, so I bought a Louis Fauxton from the back of a Korean taco food truck on Canal Street. Shit was a legit AAA replica, so I couldn't even get a taco after.
He’ll say that he won’t tell anyone but will immediately go and say it all over an anonymous app he can’t fully get over his ex girlfriend so he stalks her
I’ll call you now but actually meaning I’m an hours time
“I’ll call you now”
1 hour later
Me:where u
“I’ll call now”
Wait nvm it’s Louis time
A 6'4 sexy beast of a man, who typically lies about his height yet still has something 6.4, he lies about that to but he is funny asf
A specie of bird which makes incredibly sexual and loud noise to attract food and females.
His attributes can turn from woman boobs to pecs.
His usual activity is to touch people and hum. His humming can turn fatal if standing too close to the source.
-Special attributes : Penis grows with each summer growth spurt. Is a diva.
Look at this Paul Louis in its natural habitat!
Paul-Louis is an odd creature, he enjoys magic, ponies and has the special power being completely what the fuck. His favorite song is the opera interpretation of "dance of the sugar fairy" he will steel your heart... and your genitals in just one swift look. He looks like a flamboyant bishopony and he is recognizable by the sparkles that fly at each step he takes.
It's Paul-Louis !! Run! He will tickle your eyeball.