A child; a kid; un hijo, mini you, a toddler, etc.
Fuck man! My mini human made a mess!
The fear of small circular stickers.
“What phobias do you have?”
“Dawg, I got mad mini pittakionotrypophobia..”
A small grey creature with reflective eyes that looks remarkably like its cousin the raccoon when it is rarely seen.
My god, did you see that Mini Shnuffla go by?!
mini myr is the best dawg. I don’t know any other mini like her. aha broski.
omg, I love mini myr. She’s my favourite person ever.
A choice of 3
Which should I take of the three Ini mini mini mo
Generally slow and chubby, useless at everything he does, except eat. Has the worst luck ever and has never scored a goal in football. Usually found sitting down and eating. Despite this he is however loved by most, and finds himself at the centre of everything.
How has mini nugget missed again, it was an open goal!
Something an adult calls a group of younger boys.
Had a group of mini bros over for a barbecue this weekend.