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Nigger Killer

1.One who kills niggers
2.Jack Towe

Jack Towe just killed Tyrone he is such a nigger killer.

by JewZapper October 26, 2017

110๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stick nigger

A black bush negro, who inhabits forests, builds homes from sticks, beats other negroes and anally spikes them with sticks when punished.

He's known as the sticknigger, as everything he does is with sticks.

Black dirty wide eyed stick negro jumped out the bush, with a spear!
Them stick niggers should be skinned in the wood logger!

by Fukaface! July 8, 2019

43๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nigger Parking

Nigger parking is pulling a vehicle up to the ass of another vehicle parked
in a driveway, effectively blocking the pedestrians sidewalk access.
Pedestrians have to go in the street to get around the offending vehicle.

"All these lowlifes nigger parking are blocking the sidewalk.
Might as well just walk in the fucking street"!

by IH8JIGS August 25, 2017

49๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rez Nigger

(1a) A derogative slang for an aboriginal, First Nations, or "indigenous", "native", "indian" person., (1b) and who may also have access to reserved land in national states under treaties. (2) Derogative slang for someone who is socially interpreted, or identifies as, (originally) aboriginal, First Nations, or "indigenous", "native", and who also is socially interpreted as performing african-american or black cultural identity. (3) A person who is socially recognized as African-American, or Black, that takes a romantic, sexual, or erotic interest in Native Americans or peoples deemed to be part of the "native" populations in the Americas.

(1) Listerine, a cheap source of alcohol in mouthwash, is a rez nigger's best friend. (2) Who does that rez nigger think he is anyway- Eminem? (3) My aunt Jemima, is a rez nigger who plays Bingo every week to see if she can pick up.

by GAMAT August 27, 2009

364๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

nigger whipper

The greatest of all inventions. A grand machine that punish those naughty monkeys from disobeying you. All niggers will witness the wrath of the nigger whipper. Hence the name Nigger whipper, a machine that whips niggers.

Slave master: Tyrone, you've stolen cotton again, the nigger whipper is gonna turn you black and blue my naughty little nigga.

by BigBlackNigger9000 November 20, 2017

153๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Nigger black

The blackest Black there is, it absorbs 100% of light and reflects 0%. For example the colour of a black hole is 'nigger black' as it reflects no light.

"Yo g, your lookin nigger black today."

by Hudderson waters December 24, 2019

51๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


to put entire mouth over something thats not nessecery instead of just gently putting the mouth on it.

"kimber, stop nigger-lippin my coke bottle."

by timsterpimpster August 2, 2008