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Republican Abuse

When republicans abuse people in the news and media.

We need to say hold Newsom accountable for his 'epic failure' in California so we can republican abuse him.

Let’s write 'Going to get worse': Ex-WH doctor warns pace of Biden's cognitive decline already putting US 'at great risk' so we can republican abuse him against Trump.

Let’s write Democrats' gruesome abortion vision is already a reality in some states so we can republican abuse democrats and females that use abortion services.

Idaho mother-son duo charged with kidnapping after transporting minor to Oregon for abortion is a good way to republican abuse the Idaho family so they can be targeted in their community.

by November 30, 2023

Republican Abuse

When republicans abuse people in the news and media.

We need to say hold Newsom accountable for his 'epic failure' in California so we can republican abuse him.

Let’s write 'Going to get worse': Ex-WH doctor warns pace of Biden's cognitive decline already putting US 'at great risk' so we can republican abuse him against Trump.

Let’s write Democrats' gruesome abortion vision is already a reality in some states so we can republican abuse democrats and females that use abortion services.

Idaho mother-son duo charged with kidnapping after transporting minor to Oregon for abortion is a good way to republican abuse the Idaho family so they can be targeted in their community.

by November 30, 2023

Diet Republican

Any Democrat who embraces conservative, neoconservative, neoliberal, or MAGA talking points.

Examples: Joe Biden (neoliberal hawk), Joe Manchin (votes for Republicans more than Democrats), Bill Maher, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Eric Swalwell (for wanting to deport Russian students), and RFK, Jr. (anti-vax, embraced by MAGA)

Kyrsten Sinema used to be a Diet Republican, but now, she left the Democrats and is on her way to being a full-fat Republican.

by Jackwehadababyitsagirl July 30, 2023

Diet Republican

Someone who is a self-proclaimed "Libertarian" but holds socially conservative views, especially one who is resistant to being labelled "Conservative" or "Republican"

Mark: Ned calls himself a libertarian but he's against gay marriage and legalizing weed.
James: Sounds like he's just a Diet Republican.

by Supercoolsome September 7, 2022

Republican Debate

1. An argument that starts somewhat constructive but devolves into a
dramatic display of emotional bravado.

2. An argument where no real practical difference is available at the ideological level,

so the crux of the "debate" lies solely on

how much or how little said agreed ideal needs to be applied as the percieved "disagreement".

3. An argument where there isn't any real constructive debate happening,

but rather a battle of egos, pride, and vanity.

4. An argument where attacking your opponent's character, past, family,

or friends as well as name calling or claims of not caring

take precedence over a practical view of the real issues at hand.

5. A euphemism for ranting about, disliking, or even hating something

whilst simultaneously lacking any constructive criticism.

"Mom and Dad were having a Republican Debate about proper directions on the

road trip so I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep on the way."

"We tried talking to address our relationship problems but it just ended up
escalating into a Republican Debate every time"

"The irony was that they agreed overall but would get heated about

the particulars quite like a Republican Debate."

"He said he loved the USA more than me. I disagreed and told him I loved the USA more than him.
It was a good ol' Republican Debate."

"I argued the subtle beauty of IPAs while she preferred dark stouts

and this seemingly simple mutual love of beer yet disagreement about flavors

could quickly turn into a heated Republican Debate".

"I tried to be rational about my disapproval of her boyfriend's behavior but
ended up escalating into a Republican Debate over it."

by Intuition77 January 30, 2016

Panera Bread Republican

A wealthy white suburbanite who is liberal on social issues, but is conservative on economic issues especially keeping taxes low. They vote Republican based on their economic interests. Panera Bread, Republican, Democrat, economic conservative, socially liberal, politics, red state, blue state, conservative, liberal, Rockefeller Republican, country club Republican

There is no way a Democrat can win a district with so many Panera Bread Republicans.

by joecoolthefool July 12, 2017

Banana Republicanization

The transformation of previously diverse, interesting and cool urban areas into packaged and contrived suburban sameness, one cloned pseudo-trendy chic boutique and café at a time.

Listening to Parker and Logan only poured salt in my wounds at how Banana Republicanization has completely ruined San Francisco.
Parker: Let’s Uber to a café on Valencia Street for an organic-pour-over-single-source-fair-market-turmeric-agave coffee.
Logan: Which fauxhemian café? The one at the corner of 11th? 12th? 13th? 14th? 15th? 16th…?
Parker: That new one, Clones. Besides, I need product for my beard and some vinyl from next door at Posers. You know, the place with the tastefully arranged retro dusty junk from dad’s garage.
Logan: Perfect! Isn’t it great, living in the City? I’m so glad we don’t live in a superficial, contrived place like LA.

Parker: I know, let’s wear our matching custard brown jeans, $300 sneakerboots, and black start-up t-shirts.

Posesterfauxhemianclonepseudohemian clueless

by The Original Tankboy October 14, 2017