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foot rockets

A foot rocket is a long flat device worn on the feets designed to help the wearer slide smoothly over snow.

Douche Bag 1-Were going to the moutains with our foot rockets tomorrow.

Douche Bag 2-Nice man!!

by charroncheapwine March 27, 2009

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nickel rocket

Originally, a worn-out, coming-apart, or coverless baseball that was covered heavily with electrician's tape to extend its usefulness. (Early 20th century.)

We often played baseball all afternoon with nothing more than a nickel rocket if nobody could come up with an actual ball.

by OhJohnnyOh May 19, 2012

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rocket noob

a player (actually not even a player) who can only get a kill with a rocket launcher. normally found in halo.

Fallenangel: if you dont stop using that rocket or I will kick your f***ing @$$!!!!

noob: ur just jealous!!

Fallenangel: rocket noob

Fallenangel has quit the game

by Fallenangel5 January 29, 2010

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knuckle rocket

the cum that lands on your knuckles after masturbation

I was shooting off a knuckle rocket and your mom walked in.

by pink pig August 17, 2007

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pocket rocket

A small fast car

Nissan Pulsar GTIR

by Anonymous August 11, 2003

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rice rocket

An ebarassment to automobiles worldwide. Why somone would feel it necessary to put money and time in modifying a Japanese car in hopes that it could keep up with REAL sports cars is beyond my comprehesion. Here's an idea- save your fucking money and buy a real car assholes.

I pulled up next to a rice rocket on my ride on lawn mower at a traffic light. The giant "CIVIC" and japanese symbol stickers blinded the rice boy's view as I continued to burn his ass.

by zimzimma July 18, 2003

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1. The genitalia for a young male

"Don't make me grab your Shprinkle-Rocket!!

by JGF69 March 17, 2009

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