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sausage cat

a german cat who enjoys watching and masturbating to male cat porn

Bill: I caught my cat pleasuring himself to male cat porn!
Steve: Wow, what a sausage cat!

by Dan "The Gland Man" Marino May 21, 2010

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sausage factory

Phrase usually uttered by male humans in exasperation on finding oneself in any social gathering - having previously assumed said social gathering to be an ideal opportunity to attain a suitable mating partner of the opposite sex - where the possibility of heterosexual pairing is considerably lower than expected.

"I have failed in my genetic imperative to mate with a member of the opposite sex because the social gathering I attended was a sausage factory."

by The Real Macky March 1, 2007

83๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

my sausage

I huge object between my legs

Me: Hey babe look at my sausage!
Babe: its so big!

by Paddythebeast69 June 3, 2019

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pork sausage

The act of getting bent over and taking it in the ass from the MAN.

Damn, I got stuck working a double shift again, I'm tired of getting the pork sausage.

Everyday I go to work I feel the pork sausage always finds me.

by Russ Bone May 2, 2008

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grapes and sausage

Penis and testicles.

"So this guy thinks he is getting a back-alley blow job from a chick. Then he goes to stick his finger in the pie and comes up with a handful of grapes and sausage!"

by Branden Hassett October 30, 2006

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sausage roll

A popular pastry dish. It is a sausage wrapped in pastry. Comparable to the larger, vegatable and beef filled cornish pasty

I had a sausage roll for tea

My cornish pasty owns the fuck out of your lame ass n00b sausage roll

by We-kill-suckers July 31, 2006

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Sausage Scale

The sausage scale is the scale you must look at when defining if an event is a sausage even.

A sausage event occurs when the

male population > female population

If the male population represents:

=50%: Supper
>50-59%: Sausage snack
>60-69%: Sausage cocktail
>70-79%: Sausage fest aka SF
>80-89%: Sausage buffet
>90-99%: Sausage banquet
=100%: All you can eat sausage

The same scale applies to woman, but the word donut is used. (merci sam)

GUY #1: Dude, should I got to this event?
GUY #2: I don't know, how many guys and girls are going?
GUY #1: 22 guys, 3 girls.
GUY #2: Where does that put the event on the sausage scale?
NERD: Thats a 81% male population.
GUY #2: Dude, that's a total sausage buffet. Don't go.

by LOLUMAD999 March 29, 2010

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