S- seven
C- crap
H- hours
O- of
O- our
L- lives
Need I say more?
Mom, can I stay home from school? My fingers hurt.
Mom: You've got to maintain your 2.0 GPA! Colleges won't let you in otherwise!
5๐ 2๐
Equivalent to Hell. A place where your guardian/parent drop you off so you don't destroy the house. The literal death of me. Where school shootings take place (R.I.P to all school shooting victims). Where you have to spend 12 long years of life (or 120 months). Long story short, school is equivalent to Donald Trump supporters. (No offense).
"Jonathan time for-"
"Nooooooooo mom please please PLEASE I'm begging you! I'll clean my room, I'll do the dishes, FOR JESUS SAKE I'LL DO THE LAUNDRY! I don't wanna go to school!!!!"
6๐ 2๐
the way that the pupils parents sign you up for and is as bad as jouvinile hall
11๐ 7๐
Are you going to school today? No, my mom caught me with a dime of weed.
11๐ 7๐
a place where they make you sit at your desk and monster called teachers live see also jail
not school anything but school
13๐ 9๐
the hell hole ppl call school is a meaning less use of ones time. once u learn sumthing u never see it again. the ppl that run these things actually think we are gonna be rocket scientists or walk around tryna spell big azz words like antidisestablishmentarianism<--- PLZ TELL ME WUT THA FUCK THIZ SHIT IZ (i can't even spell it right)
and i bet if u go up to any adult in the steet or sumthin and ask them to solve-->7a + 29b - q/a.....they will look at u like u CRAAAZY...the really SMART ppl will have a damn calculator.
then there are those few hell holes that make u wear dress code... last time i checked we had freedom of choise...and i choose to wear whuteva the fuck i want, but noooooooooo....they don took that away too...now we can't express our selves... to me that is real wrong...talkin bout we gon distract folks...man FUCK that SHIT...if u was seriously tryna learn sumthin u will find a way 2 NOT be distracted think about it!
now tha faculty must have don lost they minds!all they do is worry bout the lil black kids and wut they do! (how bout one of my friends got I.S.S for chewing gum!...wut tha hell?) they try to teach us shit we already kno like drugs and sex...if they ONLY knew how much we know bout that...WUT IZ THA POINT???!!!
AND p.e they make us run and run and run EARLY in tha mornin when folks STILL tryna get the crust out they eyes...then teachers wanna trun around and ask us why we not doin our work and shit....cause we TIRED.
just because they wanna get up at 5:00 and 6:00 in the mornin why do we??? wut iz the rush, all we gon do is fall asleep again.
so all in all school is somethin ur parents think will actually teach u sumthin(usefull)...but it usually don't!
but the few good teachers teach u sumthin u can actually count on to help u survive in tha world
i went to school and lost my mind!!!
24๐ 20๐
The most boring place where your learn all these boring subjects, and most of them you don't even need in life. Like history when do you need that? The only fun part about it is just your friends, and dances and other stuff
18๐ 14๐