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talladega slip and slide

When a person has diarrhea and shits on another's chest and slides around....

After eating prunes for dessert at the family reunion in Alabama, let's all do the Talladega slip and slide....

by DookieDan April 2, 2019

African slip and slide

The act of shitting on a hardwood floor and setting bowling pins on the other side. Then proceeding to throw African ginger midgets to try and knock them down.

Hey Vincent wanna go set up the African slip and slide after this beer?

by BigRichard832626 April 4, 2021

Cincinnati Water Slide

When you piss on a thot hookers fake tits and spit a loogie into your stream so it waterslides down her cleavage.

"Dude, I gave this thot the best Cincinnati Water Slide of her life with my accuracy, when the loogie hit I came like a fire extinguisher"

by Wraith FourTwenty February 19, 2017


The act of drinking while sledding.

Sober Sally: "What happened to you? How'd you break your arm!?"

Tanked Tim: "Classic Sip-n-Slide, didn't even see the damn hummer."

by Frenchman (Resistance General) December 20, 2009

Frosted mud slide

Act of a man taking a shit on a womans chest then jizzing on top of the shit. The next step is to titty fuck the woman.

I just did something that is more disgusting than scat bukkake...I gave Jan a Frosted mud slide.

by Joc C January 6, 2010

Sleeping slip and slide

When a girl mounts a sleeping dude's face and rubs between her pussy and butthole.

James: Man, Nancy must have been over last night and did the sleeping slip and slide because my face looked like a chocolate glazed donut when I woke up this morning

by Love to lick nancy December 8, 2018

Home Run Slide

The act of sliding across the soaking wet locker room floor completely nude and subsequently ending up in the showers

Jerry did the most epic home run slide after gym!”

by JoeMama7978 December 24, 2020