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Double Decker Steamer

When one takes a dump on another person's body (like a steamer) but followed by another person taking a dump on the original dump. More is better...

After completing the steamer, she needed more so I asked my buddy to give her a double decker steamer.

by Billy Bob Ray October 7, 2010

4 a.m. steamer

When you wake up at 4 A.M. and take a massive shit

Dude, I ate that chili last night and I woke up in the middle of the night with a 4 A.M. steamer

by Mchuhst November 12, 2019

Virtual Cleveland Steamer

(also known as VCS for short.) When someone craps on your heart, or even chest. But not in a literal sense. This steamy pile of shame and misery is delivered electronically. Hence why it's known as the "Virtual Cleveland Steamer."

Did you hear about Billy? He finally told a girl from high school how he felt about her, and she didn't even read his email, just straight up deleted it!

No way man, she Virtual Cleveland Steamered him? That's cold blooded!

by JMH85 February 17, 2010

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San Marcos Steamer

1. When you take a fresh dump and save a turd, then place that turd into an enemy's drying laundry.

Chad: dude..just take a dump..and when he is drying his clothes...go put the turd in the dryer lmfao

Josh: we call that a san marcos steamer

by Chad P. March 21, 2008

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pumpkin steamer

When you take a shit on a pumpkin pie instead of using whipped cream and then dump it on your partners chest.

My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is giving my husband a toasty pumpkin steamer!

by buttsonparade October 24, 2017

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Sanchez Steamer

The action Aiden Brooks takes part in during Mrs. Cokโ€™s 5th hour health class

Hey Mrs. Cock, can i go for the daily sanchez steamer?

by iSlayPenis October 5, 2021

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irish steamer

Taking a green shit on someones face.

Colleen licked up every green morsel of Mickey's Irish steamer!

by guido20 March 12, 2010

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