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Zandi Syndrome

A sudden onset of fear that people are quoting Mark Zandi too much.

"Wow, I just read Financial Shock. It told me all this stuff, like...."
"I believe that you are suffering from Zandi Syndrome."

by Goosiepie December 25, 2008

Ark Syndrome

When people in West Texas/East New Mexico have the urge to by a boat that they will never use.

Isaac:"Why do y'all have a boat when there's no water around?"
Luke:"My dad got Ark Syndrome."

by TOMDARAK May 6, 2020

Sus Syndrome

One in five people suffers from Sus Syndrome, which affects the mental state of the person and forces them to see the Crewmate from Among us everywhere they go. This will eventually kill the affected person by making them manufacture a boulder size pair of metal balls, which are called sussy balls, and will proceed to let the balls fall on them while saying the phrase "You're such a sussy baka".

Dude, I think that guy has Sus Syndrome.
"Yo it's the imposter from Among us... "Looks at red trash can/bin"

by SunChad August 26, 2021

Quarantine syndrome

When your parents, ask you to go outside but due to coronavirus pandemic you want to stay home.

Mom: Jimmy its time for weekly shopping lets go!!!!
Jimmy: Mom, I got quarantine syndrome I can't go.

by IdubbzIsASimp May 19, 2020

Wisca Syndrome

The WISCA Syndrome Why Isn't Sam Coding Anything. When a programmer is in the design phase of program construction and the boss who doesn't code enters wanting coding to have already been started.

My boss is suffering from WISCA syndrome.

by ZMentor March 29, 2018

Manberger's Syndrome

Similar to Asperger's Syndrome (which is a developmental syndrome on the Autism Spectrum categorized by social difficulties, difficulties picking up on subtle social cues, expressing empathy, and typically having a special interest area). Manberger's applies to men who exhibit many of the symptoms of Asperger's, but do not actually fall on the Asperger's Spectrum. These men are often employed in fields like engineering and computer science, and cause many women eternal frustration.

Manberger's Syndrome symptoms include (but are not limited to): inability to understand how to comfort someone emotionally rather than just offering asinine "solutions" problems, difficulties expressing emotion other than anger, frustration, and neutral, difficulties expressing empathy, difficulties behaving considerately toward others, and obliviousness to the rich social and emotional subtleties and relational connections going on around them. These men might suggest that a woman marry them just for the health insurance (because obviously getting married is about nothing more than this) or say something like "It didn't occur to me to consider how you might feel if I ate all your leftovers."

by Banana07 November 23, 2011

All In Syndrome

Acronym: AIS

A poker analogy which applies to a one night stand that's dragged out because the girl still hasn't given it up.

The player feels they've invested too much to back out now.

John: What's Doug still doing with that girl? It's been 2 months and he still hasn't sealed the deal.

Mike: He's got classic All in Syndrome, he's spent weeks as her 'boyfriend' and has yet to reap any benefits.

John: That's weak, he needs to man up and cut his losses.

Mike: Agreed.

by LongfeatherTheGreat July 5, 2010