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someone who is miles better that Garret, In every way shape and form. He also has a way better Life

Fuck Garrett, Gates is awesome.

by Fuckyougarrett March 3, 2022


a large amount of something; to a very great degree

I drank gates alcohol at the party.
I am gates hungry.

by Joey butchy February 6, 2018


Describes when something occurs rapidly or immediately.

Bro, I left from the gate. I saw the boys outside, I wasnt going in that club strapped.

by iLLadel215 July 21, 2018


A gorgeous woman in her 20's who often has explosive psychotic episodes and an unstable/unpredictable demeanor similar to an American alligator. She has a ravenous appetite for live male meat, and she frequently performs multiple death rolls during sexual intercourse.

There is no way I could handle that chic I met at the bar last night, she was a hell of a fuck, but she is a straight gate.

by Mastergater May 12, 2018


Gate is a term used to reference good crack cocaine

Man that nigga bob got some gate

by Boot up tanmer February 9, 2022


things a sweaty rogue lineage players have when they’ve reached height of their black marketing status on every account they own

“bro norne he’s gonna gate to forest 4 to gank!”

by SweatyScroomMageWithGate March 31, 2021


A retarded Australian who always talks about Australia and always goes off-topic.

Person 1: Hey, did you meet Jay last night?
Person 2: Yeah, and to be honest with you, I don't like that guy. All he talked about was Australia and when I ask something, he ignores it and completely goes off-topic. He is such a Gates.

by Jason Gates March 23, 2019