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A wannabe loser who is so desperate to fit in and is soo ugly, that you go total Texas Chainsaw Massacre on. He does things that make him look "cool" (when he really looks like an asshole) to impress everybody and show of his "talents" (which he doesn't have). Gets made fun of A LOT, mostly by nerds, losers, sensitive wusses and science geeks. See Anthony Brito

Regina: Yo, Anthony Beito is such a fugly asshole.

Liana: I know, what a pathetic show-off

by Gretchen May 29, 2004

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Fuck Show

A fuck show is someone who is a meth addict. They live their lives in a fuck show hence the name

"wow that guys messed"
"yea he's a total fuck show now"

by Mugsy Malone85 May 9, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

show hole

When you have completed binge watching a show on Netflix, and have nothing else to watch. This is signified by the final, final credits.

Susanne: I'm in the biggest show hole right now, Dave, come over!
Dave: Fuck no, I'm eating chicken wings.

Chicken wings

by soIcanenteranythinghere? November 27, 2015

4๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

freak show

A circus that displays people with abnormal or unusual oddities. Examples of such people include bearded women, Siamese twins, or in the case of The Saga of Darren Shan, a woman who can bite through steel, a man with two bellies, a vampire and his spider, a snake boy, a man who is afraid of the ground, a monkey girl, et al. Legal back before television was invented.

A freak show back in those times had evil con men rounding up people who had physical deformities, putting them in cages, paying the public to stare at them and forcing them to perform insane tricks that could hurt or kill normal people who imitated them. The people who saw these freak shows were just as disturbed as the people who ran them. These shows are now illegal because of the abusive nature, and the discrimination these performers faced because the public were conned into thinking that they were freaks, which meant that they were misunderstood by those who realized that they were entirely normal and that the real freaks were the people who ran these human circuses. Although there are exceptions like American Horror Story: Freak Show, and Cirque du Freak where there would be actual freaks running the shows, these were in the minority. Today, there might be shows like this which we call reality television, which displays people like Abby and Brittany, who would have qualified to be in a freak show if they were around when those things were legal. They are scary depending on the acts that are performing.

by chad'srockergrrrll April 6, 2015

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Dildo show

A show of sexual mature done with a dildo.

Matt:Let's hire a stripper to do a dildo show!

by 4smoothness August 15, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

show conflict

A conflict or argument made to convince the people watching the conflict, rather than the person being confronted.

Shouting about how much of a jerk someone is will not convince that person, but it can be used as a show conflict to convince the people watching you shout at that person.

Show arguments / show conflicts are for the audience, not the attackee.

by PaleBlueYacht May 13, 2013

12๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

show stopper

An abnormal, large or otherwise life-threatening bowel movement, such that all actions and interactions currently being undertaken must be put on hold (i.e. the 'show' must be 'stopped') in order to take care of one's business, lest the aforesaid movement take care of itself.

"That burrito was so big, I could tell it was going to be a real show stopper."

by "dirty deeds done dirt cheap" December 9, 2005

34๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž