Gary is the embodiment of time eternalism. He exudes great power in controlling space-time continuum akin to the ability of Dr Strange. Strange indeed, a round of a good ol' game of four zephyr winds with Gary seems to last for a lifetime. In other non-worldly affairs, Gary assumes a cute lil sea snail character from the cartoon SpongeBob Square Pants. Gary is also an avid music lover and his favorite song is by Niall Horan, the lyrics start with "We should take this back to my place"...
Gary is a nice guy. He makes time spent with him feel like forever. It's a good thing, no?
When the bitch is sleeping, then you shoot a load onto her face. She wakes up later and says "I had a Dream".
Yo, my girl was so pissed this morning because she found out I did The Gary Coleman.
is a nascar driver #25 and his car is red and yellow
gary colemann likes to drive nascars real fast
Used to describe awesome moments
He really made that throw it was proper Gary Paxton.
A Gary & Margret party is where someone divulges in sexual naughtinesses with both sexes at a given location. Secret rooms and swimming pools are a main feature within the party location.
Hey Keith, do you fancy going to that Gary and Margret party tonight?
A pimp a Mack daddy looking for the dollar at 14 he bought a 64’ impala!!
Gary motherfuckin Wagner drove up in his 64’ impala!