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what a bloke

An excellent male.

"Did you hear that Barry gave 5 grand to charity?" "Oh wow! What a bloke!"

by KeegsMate July 7, 2014

on what tho

To agree with someone.

Them: “You’re babymama bald head asf.

You:“On what tho?”

by Yaherrr October 23, 2020

What the squash

A term used as a reaction to events, instead of using the overused expression what the f**k

"What the squash are you doing in the fridge!?"

by REALLYTHdudE April 12, 2020

Jigga what

Not to be confused with Gigawatt, which is a measure of units (W) of electricity, Jiggawhat is an exclamation and measurement of the level of disbelief shown by an African American.

"Yo, I gots me a pay rise today"

"Jigga what?!?!?"

jiggaboo nigga negro what hey

by Superfrank May 27, 2015

what’s thumpin

What’s up? What up doe? How are you doing? What’s happening?

Person 1: what’s up?
Person 2 (extra cool): what’s thumpin?

by Jennifermm0720 February 1, 2018

What a solid

a phrase used to indicate an achievement or any good occasion. Can also be used to describe people.

A: I got a 100 on my math test.
B: What a solid
A: My girlfriend finally sucked my dick
B: Damn, what a solid

by cage.dd November 19, 2016

what the pagh

A phrase used by Akakamazing in his video. Pagh meaning paghdi (turban). PUNJABIS RULE! BRRRUAHHH!

Peach paghh??? what the pagh dad?? WHO WEARS PEACH PAGHS??

by duhduhduhduh November 20, 2011