An overpriced crap service that leaves you dissatisfied
Phone: no Internet connection
Person 1: the WiFi here sucks
Person 2: that's British WiFi for you
The infamous saying "The British should die of mad cow disease" means that the person saying this saying thinks that The British should die of mad cow disease and lives a happy life with their family and is a respected member of society with a great opinion.
It is mostly a saying used in a context against The British "people" and their horrible acts of violence against the human race that they commit every day.
Pbone: I think that "The British should die of mad cow disease"
Scouty: you are so right, Pbone.
The government soon awarded Pbone a medal of valor for his patriotism and made him the CEO of Sex and also gave him permission to violently put down all British "people" in a ten mile radius around his house.
When a British man nuts between a British girl's ass and she twerks it up her back
Man: I just gave me girlfriend a British Crumpet Clapper
Other man:Wtf is wrong with you
Yelling at someone in a British way in text, the best way to do it is to just put it there man.
2: “haha Yells in british.”
Can be used as general term to describe a British person of any gender.
Especially those whom are middle aged, wear glasses and sing in choirs.
Other varieties include the eccentric British Gay; antique market dwellers, obscure classical music aficionados and inventors.
Linda, those wire rim glasses , short haircut and that lovely salt and pepper hair ..screams British Gay! Love it!
I love Anthony Hopkins, he is such a British Gay
My Mum spreads Marmite on her toast like a true British Gay
Can be used as general term to describe a British person of any gender.
Especially those whom are middle aged, wear glasses and sing in choirs.
Other varieties include the eccentric British Gay; antique market dwellers, obscure classical music aficionados and inventors.
Linda, those wire rim glasses , short haircut and that lovely salt and pepper hair ..screams British Gay! Love it!
I love Anthony Hopkins, he is such a British Gay
My Mum spreads Marmite on her toast like a true British Gay
The BR Class 55 or English Electric Type 5 aka the “Deltic”, is an ugly ass locomotive built by English Electric between 1961 & 1962 with 22 units produced. It looks like it was designed by someone who hated beauty. It’s got that awkward, slab-sided, boxy front that screams "function over form" in the worst possible way. The nose? It’s a bizarre, oversized, clunky monstrosity that looks like a bulldog that’s been hit in the face with a sledgehammer. The whole thing has an unrefined, "I’m here to get the job done, screw looking pretty" vibe. It’s like someone threw together a bunch of steel plates and said, "Yeah, that’ll do." Ugly, ugly, ugly.
“We Yankees have sexy lookin’ locomotives like the EMD E & F units (E8s, FL9) F40PH, F59PHI, GE Genesis and Siemens Charger but man y’all Brits and that ugly ass British rail class 55 is the most fugliest locomotive ever built, look at it it makes me wanna barf 🤮”