When you have been sitting down for so long that your bum gets sore or numb. Bingo bum!
Cleo! I've been sitting for so long I've got Bingo bum🍑
bum that begs at one of the jersey city overpasses and they call him jiggy bum cause his clothes always look new and hes begging for money .. sometimes the clothes are more updated (street wise) than what you are wearing
Why's that jiggy bum all up in my face? His threads is better than mines, dang...
A man or woman can get these by eating too much of the wrong stuff........ You guessed it, piles. Doctors will suggest more fibre and fruit in your diet.
Simon "I can't sit down" Brad "you must have bum udders"
The use of your behind as a musical instrument through slapping it with your hands.
Who needs to beatbox when there is the Bum Drum!
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When a person (mainly female) speaks at such a rate and for so long that they must be inhaling oxygen through their anus to stay alive.
She spoke for two minutes straight, she must be using her bum lungs.
From the UK. Usually aged 18-25, shops at lidl or aldi, lives off government benefits in a council flat in Leeds, has three cheating exes and some have 5 children for the carers allowance money.
The females sometimes have big boobies in order to feed all their kids.
Heavy smoker, highly unattractive and obese, eats ready meals for every meal and washes it down with a 3 pound bottle of wine from the corner shop, has a very unoriginal British name like Sarah or Kai.
A certain comedian I don't know the name of made a song about this. Look up "shopping in lidl song"
A: Sigh. Sharon is such a benefit bum.
T: I know, right? I saw her nicking a lil tots push iron to pay for her ciggies.
A: Oye Oye!! Bloody hell that was my bike I'm gonna bloody kill her!
Understanding Bum Road requires some knowledge on the religion of Bochism. Bochism is a small sect located mainly in Southern Ontario but has been documented in Amsterdam, Netherlands as well. Similar to the Garden of Eden in Christianity, Bum Road is an integral part of Bochism, along with veganism. It represents the journey of life, the path which Bum Roaders follow on their journey of becoming a Boch. Bum Roaders mainly worship Joaquin Phoenix, although they still pray to several of his disciples, including Laverne Cox and Ruby Rose. The term “Bum Road” can be heard used in a variety of contexts by fellow Bum Roaders. It can be a negative or a positive thing, or simply be synonymous for anal sex.
“You have a Biology exam? Uhhh that is sooooo Bum Road”
“Omg last night my boyfriend took me on a trip down Bum Road for the first time ;)”