Source Code

charlie (girl)

Charlie is the most beautiful girl in the world. Charlie is most likely a model, actress, singer dancer and or more. She is probably dating a Yair. She has a lot of guys going after her so yair you better watch out. She is caring, loving, beautiful, nice, sweet (not to mention a good hugger and kisser) and many more. She is just all around amazing and perfect.

Wow that girl is actually perfect she is named charlie (girl)

by Yari Zel February 15, 2019

16๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Charlie Sheenis

When a girl does a line of cocaine off your cock.

Amy loves a Charlie Sheenis.

by blackoutpoet October 10, 2012

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The Charlie Murphy

When you're doing your partner doggy style and right before you go, you take the palm of your hand and push your partners head into a flat surface.

I did the Charlie Murphy to my gal last night.

by dshow32 December 28, 2010

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Lazy Charlie

A person who gives nothing back while making out. A really lazy, boring kisser.

That douchebag was such a Lazy Charlie in bed.

by midweststyle July 31, 2008

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Charlie Kiss

The act of kissing but not making out.

Kissing to the point of where you are about to use tounge but don't.

"Dude I'm taking it slow....we just charlie kissed last night"

by heyitschacha August 25, 2009

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Charlie Sheen

Noun: The reflective, glistening coat of lube or bodily fluid left on genitals after sex.

1. After making love, he proudly walked through the apartment naked, showing off his charlie sheen.

2. Already late for work, she jumped in the shower, washed away the charlie sheen, and got dressed.

by 2andahalf4life April 29, 2010

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94 Charlie

possession of marijuana (G. L. c. 94C, ยง 34);aka code word for the police to scare the shit out of teenage kids

Cop: (Sniff...sniff) You boys smoking dope. Hey Carl, I think we might have a 94 charile
Kid: (In mind)"OH shit im fucked, what the hell is a 94 charlie."

by David Bowie January 26, 2006

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