A really badass guy. Is an expert in his field. A really good friend who always takes time for the most important things in life. Unfortunately tends to leave everything to his girlfriend, such as choosing a meal in a restaurant.
Nickname for the Chiswick suburb in London - W4
Named by a local business who develop telvision graphics systems for broadcasters and the people that visit their offices in Chiswick. It is also an endearment for the beloved area of London that they work in.
I'm heading to Chi Wee High Steet to meet the girls for coffee, with my child in a pram and dark sunglasses on.
The most handsome man in the world. Sweet, kind, gentle, patient, and super intelligent and hilarious. Very sexy and attractive. My best friend and love!
"Jimmy Chi is the best."
An smart Asian kid who isn’t in Algebra 1 Honors and hates little children
Why is Ashley Chi eating chicken soup every lunch break?
Burmese slang for “Facing a massive depression daily.”
Lucia is very Pwint Nay Chi Hein
The happiness and good spirit essence that emanates from an individual.
Her chipper chi is way too strong Monday morning at work. I haven't had any time to wake up yet!!