Deadly STD only the most cursed whores get.
"Damn dude dont mess with Laqueesha, I heard she gots a case a dem coochie scarabs"
To let vagina soak in it own discharge and sweat
She was so tired after practice, she just went to sleep letting her marinated coochi soak overnight in sweat.
Coochie Cuddle Time- a phrase that is used to describe a verb or action between a man and woman in which both parties usually are wearing little to know clothes both laying congruent to each other facing the same way close enough for the male penis to rest on or in the females most desired anatomy better known as the ass or coochie.
Example Sentence: Reality the poet enjoyed 4 hours of Coochie Cuddle Time with Dulcie Doe.
A Chicago term for Having sex or fucking around on 79th
Yeah you know that girl destiny? She be poppin coochie on tha 9
The princple and practice of mastering control over coochie desires through conscious training. Not succumbing to lustful moist coochie feelings but dominating coochie on a mental plane.
The mighty gabby was able to withstand and reject the plethora of sinful coochie because of his indepth knowledge of concept coochie
Coochie punch is the action where you fist a woman with your hand lubed in vaseline
{chad} hey dude i just coochie punched {kira}
{jake} yooo did u use the vaseline lube