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Cultural Mind Trick

A skill used by people from other countries to trick a person into doing something ridiculous. Achieved by telling the person that in their country the said action is either a sign of respect, or that not doing it is viewed as insulting. Similar to the Jedi Mind Trick.

American: "I don't want to shove this hot poker up my ass and then chop my dick off!"
Person from other country: "You have to! It's very disrespectful in our culture if you don't do so upon first meeting."
American: "I don't know, man. Sounds like a cultural mind trick..."

by Reese Gordon August 1, 2011

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Crush Culture Day

Valentine’s day is crush culture day (a song made my Conan Gray)


by conanfan101 January 28, 2021

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Cultural disconnection

When people assume their way of doing things goes-without-saying, like that Christmas is necessarily in December (or in January) or that everyone celebrates Christmas, and which assumption, in-turn, leads to social isolation.

-- So glad you could finally come to our party this year.

-- Yeah, it took some getting-used-to...first Christmas, and then...Christmas-in-January.

-- What did you think we were celebrating on January 6?

-- I read that that's when Jesus traditionally got circumcised.

-- So that's what you thought today was about? I think you may be experiencing cultural disconnection.

-- Just as long as that's the only disconnection I end-up experiencing.

by sukadog March 24, 2011

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Cancel Culture

A popular trend among social media users allowing activists to publicly shame, or "cancel", media influencers for previous inflammatory posts, sexual allegations, and discriminatory behavior. Cancel culture surfaced due to the similar public shaming trend, the #MeToo movement, where women call out sexual predators. As a result of the cancellation, the individual may lose their job, their status on social media, and their reputation. Canceled people are mainly ostracized even to the point of social media users boycotting products or shows related to the individual.

Brock Turner is Cancel Culture's newest player and has lost his reputation after he was accused of raping an intoxicated woman.

by This-was-for-a-school-project January 14, 2021

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Cancel Culture

It's just another word for "call out culture".
When a famous person says something controversial they will receive a massive amount of criticism. That will be seen as a direct attack and the famous person will never own to their mistake and just cry they're being cancelled.
Most of the time no one is really cancelled for real.

Sometimes someone will be investigated and might lose movie deals because productions don't want bad press. That has always happened and has never been cancel culture.
Ironically, the people who cry cancel culture will gain popularity, so in a sense it has become a way of skirting responsibilities and deflect the attention from the actual horrible things they said.

Jenny: Did you hear they cancelled JKR??? Those awful gays
Kim: You mean J K Rowling? The one who made history writing HP? That's the best example of a victim of cancel culture you could think of?

by Kjh938583994 October 17, 2021

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cool-pose culture

The collected behaviors associated with portrayal of cool, disaffected, or gangsta-hip lifestyle. Can be evidenced by speech patterns, oversized clothing, and tude (including, but not limited to, slouching, frequent and prominent gesticulation, and a middle-distance gaze.

The cool-pose culture of urban youth has seeped into the suburbs and beyond.

by Safire May 25, 2006

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Nurture her Culture

When a women is so attractive, you could say the fittest women you have ever seen, you would encourage her yeast infection just so you could lick it to proove to the world how fit she is.

Mate1 :OMG look at the bird, she's so fit I'd nurture her culture.
Mate2: Yes I'd nurture her too.

by Shaun Scrot Hemm February 25, 2016