The curse happens when the enitity know as "Soul OF A Titan" interacts with anything they could be taken into a negative outcome.
P1: "Hey, I just had a really bad game. There was this guy name Soul of a Titan"
P2: "bro you just got a "Curse of a Titan""
P1: "o sheit"
The very definition of a curse. It will begin by looking into the accursed John the Dog's eyes. This curse will affect your whole bloodline by causing traumatic dreams and event throughout their entire life. John the Dog was created in a freak accident after an artist accidentally brought his creation to life, and John began to spread his
I have succumb to the Curse of John the Dog. John the Dog has curse my whole bloodline!
A general sickness felt after a night of hardcore gaming - similar to a hangover.
"Hey man want to grab some breakfast?"
"No dude, I've come down with a bad case of the gamer's curse - every sound hurts"
curse as known to be ignorant, selfish driven by money
person 1:Kanye has the kardashian curse
person 2: nah dip! he voted for trump
Curse, the name of a sexy weirdo on the Internet. @x_deadking_x is named curse for a neutral naming. They are super lonely, creative and fun, and loves games.
"Curse you look so pretty❤"
a group of scarabs.
"a curse of scarabs infested the surrounding area..."
a group of scarabs.
"a curse of scarabs infests the surrounding area."