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That Handsome Devil

A band that started in the late 2010's in brooklyn. They are most known for their song called Charlies Inferno which gained popularity from the last seconds of the song where it says what charlie is thinking and saying since he got sent to hell.

Person 1: "Whats you favorite That Handsome Devil song"
Person 2: "It has to be johnny wouldn't die"

by pikcled April 18, 2023

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Devil's Potion

Cum combined with water in the shower. This creates a crusty, super adhesive that is difficult to remove.

Ben: "Dude, why is your arm hair so crusty?"
Josh: "It's the Devil's Potion. That's the last time i beat off in the shower!"

by The Cum Wizard April 8, 2010

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Devil Square

A Goetic square dance in which the participants dance counterclockwise while chanting demonic names pulled from the Lesser Key of Solomon. Two people have sex in the center of the circle and kill each other at the dance's climax. It is generally believed that this ritual is responsible for the rise of Limp Bizkit in the late 90's and the ongoing appeal of the Twilight Saga. It is rumored that if the square dance is successful, an encore may be played with the Devil's golden fiddle, which will appear in the material plane in a puff of acrid smoke.

Alternatively, it refers to a delicious chocolatey snack cake with a creamy center marketed and distributed by Little Debbie. However, the former meaning is more well established.

The Theatre class was forbidden from participating in a play wherein they would perform a Devil Square.

by JackSpratt February 4, 2014

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devil's teats

moles covering the body

I can't look at his naked torso; it's covered in the devil's teats

by mistress vindaloo November 9, 2010

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devil's 69

The act of two people, male or female, laying in the 69 position and licking each other's butt holes.

Curt and Dan both got pink eye from doing the Devil's 69 last night. Gross...

by that dude that fucks November 17, 2017

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Devil Lettuce

Cilantro is the bitch of the earth. The spawn of Satan. The Devil's Lettuce. No more Devil Lettuce please. We don't do that here. End discrimination. Devil Lettuce means Cilantro. Cilantro means bad.

Dude: Hey you got any Cilantro bro? I need it for my salad.
Other Dude: How could you ask me for the Devil's Lettuce? Devil Lettuce is Cilantro. You enjoy the spawn of Satan? Leave or I will make you suffer.

by IDon'tCareWhatMyPseudonymIs December 16, 2019

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Devil's Scepter

Another name for a penis. Especially useful in situations when a man has "sinful" intentions.

John's plan was to find a nice drunk girl at the bar, bring her home and whip out the Devil's Scepter.

by Nate the Nasty July 22, 2008

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