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El chancletas

a group of bitches

"I used to think el chancletas meant a group of bitches because after you add the "S" that shits plural "

by El chancletas February 25, 2019


A sexy and wonderful athletic man. El-Jude is an idol to all and he’s also an amazing person. Everyone need a El-Jude in their lives. El-Judes are rare people who everyone loves. He’s a kind and wonderful person. Smart too, they’re known as the funny charasmatic friend everyone has.

El-Jude is a people person

by Anthonythesexybeast November 24, 2021

el (ella)

el is the most beautiful person you’ll ever meet. she’s smart, kind, caring, genuine, she will be with you through it all. she’s sweet as honey on a summer day. you’ll wish that you could meet them in real life so bad, but alas they live across the world. you can talk to her for hours without running out of things to say. get yourself an el in life.

el (ella) is so nice, i love talking to her.

i wish el (ella) lived near me.

that person is so pretty, just like el (ella).

by toogway July 18, 2021

El Putas

The Colombian version of Satan, commonly used in the sentence “nos llevó el putas”, when something goes horrendously wrong.

Nos llevó el putas” (El Putas is taking us)

by Narcobarbie June 20, 2022

el bigote

The mustache

This is my friend, "El Bigote."

by tlacoache March 12, 2014

El brito

A mexican girl who is with a white boy who, despite being cute they break up every other week but always come back to each other.

That fucking El brito over there is really pissing me off with their shitty relationship

by Jewce_boxxx February 15, 2018


another way of saying fool
Often used by stupid people

You are a foo-el. what a stupid foo-el. Elliot is a foo-el. The fool called me a foo-el. What a fool.

by jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj April 3, 2008