The fine are of masterbating and blowing you load all over the room at the Emergancy Room in a hospital.
I went in last night just for a ER Fap . Was the time of my life .
A person or NPC who says w00t! instead of yay, huzzah, hoo-ray, or any other variation of those words.
w00t! I reached lvl 170!
You poor w00t!er...
“I wanna make a video game about my life but make it interesting-er.” -Cynthia
someone who frequently tells lies
taixa is a false-er, she is so dishonest.
I am not a false-er, my nickname is honest abe
Atlantic-Canadian slang phrase, means somebody is ugly.
"Look at that girl, man."
"Yeah, face on 'er like a can of smashed arseholes."
It’s just a way to say “you are a man” in Spanish
“Wait? Eres hombre?”