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french frie

A French frie is when you jerk off and cum on a table or hard substance. You then smear it into a half dolor sized circle and put some asiago cheese on it. Next you melt it with a blowdrier and slurp it up

Dude I had such a good French frie for lunch

" what do u want for dinner honey"-mom
" can papa make us some French fries"-daughter

"Sure thing my sweat boy" -mom

by The OG savage December 17, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

French Lemonade

To pee in someone's mouth. see golden shower

Would you like a fine fresh squirt of French Lemonade?

by LA Dude August 29, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

French Tuck

Placing an erect penis under the belt rim of your pants in an attempt to hide the evidence.

Before solving the equation on the board johnny performed a quick french tuck to conceal his awkward boner from his classmates.

by Twiggy Johnson August 2, 2018

23๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

French Connection

A European based womens clothing brand that is exorbitantly over-priced but justified in being so as its clothing is durable, fashionable and looks like you bought it at a boutique when on vacation/holiday in Italy.

Victoria: So I heard that there's a French Connection shop at the Galleria!

Zenobia: No way! That's great because I've been looking to spend my hard-earned money on quality clothing that will not fall to pieces in a few months like the crap I bought from Forever 21, H&M and Zara.

Victoria: Psssh whatever, I have my Daddy's credit card.

by notgnna2 October 31, 2012

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

French Fart

It's like an american fart.... but with tongue.

i gotta fart...

baby, lets make this a french fart!

stick your tongue in my ass real quick!

by it's cold in here February 20, 2010

26๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

French Bath

The act of trying to cover body odor by soaking yourself with cheap cologne.

Man, my pits reek. Hey, pass me that can of Axe so I can give myself a French Bath.

by Indignation2 February 3, 2010

27๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

French Revolution

A bloody revolution in france, during that time France is pretty screwed up (like other times but they *gasp* did something besides whining). The peasants found themselves in an unescapable system of economy which taxes denies even simple survival while noble use their hard earned cash to feast and do nothing except kill unhappy peasants. To add to the problems, the new king Louis and his wife Marie Antoinette were incompetant and this only added to the problems. The Catalyst was when Louis decided to call the 3 estates to form an assembly to help solve the dying french economy. Ironically, everyone pitched in the effort to create a more equal france. A series of killings, wars and such happened and eventually Louis was executed along with his wife. This was the event that will soon lead to the reign of terror, and napoleon. The latter being France's only moment of glory.

Thanks to the revolutions we triggered a series of events that brought our culture today

by derek June 3, 2005

72๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž