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A girl who have stars in her eyes, giving large positive energy to people around her, and love joking around to make others smile.

Ohh this girl seems like hella

by Treyon.bis November 22, 2021


a word typicaly used by large african american males. this world is an alternate to a word in the english dictionary "very" and can be used in many instances.

Excuse me Cyrus but would you like to acompany me to to senior prom in a few weeks, we could have sex after? Naw Sebastian you hella gay now go get my nigga Nasir and ask him if hes trying to go to free skate night tonight.

by SEABAZ69 July 15, 2010


another word for very / a lot of something / really

She hella cute.
That's hella far.

by steve_wk October 8, 2012


A word created in the bay area

¨Thats hella far.¨
¨Youre hella funny

by rebecca10 September 1, 2020


a word as old as the first people, used all over the globe. It means extremely.

this food is hella dank. give me some more

by neville longbum July 17, 2018


So hella is a "NorCal" word. Which I'm guessing that NorCal people are the only ones is this world that say hella. Makes sense, hella is not a word. Just letter put together that when said sound like fart noises

Rob " want to go have our sins forgiven so we don't burn in hella"

by ImBRUH December 12, 2016


1: (adverb) - very, really, many/a lot of. The fun way to describe something if there's a high amount of it or if it's "really" or "very" something.

2: (adjective) - good, great, amazing, awesome, rad .. etc. A pretty chill way to say that something is super cool. Can also mean "pretty chill" itself. But more often for hella cool things. Hella things. HELLA hella things.

3: (exclamation) - just something to say when something rad happens. A pleased or happy response. Possibly very excited or ecstatic response.

1: "Aw yeah man we got hella snacks at my place now." or "Yo dude that drawing is hella rad!"

2: "That sounds hella!"

3: "Oh, hella!"

Hella is my favourite word

by SharkChef August 28, 2018