Source Code

hey oh yeah

funny way of saying hell yeah.

by Anonymous April 4, 2003

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Hey Everybody Keith's Back!

When your boyfriend comes back to voltron after being on a space whale for two years, in the quantum abyss, with his galra mom and raising a cosmic time wolf then you can use the term Hey Everybody Keith's Back.

'I don't have time for this Lance'
'Hey Everybody Keith's Back!'

by yorance July 2, 2018

13๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kung Hei Fat Choi

The word you will say when the morning of the first day of The Chinese Lunar New Year. It has a meaning of cheers, wishing people luck & have a wonderful future.

Kung Hei Fat Choi! I wish you a healthy health and improvment in studying / God Bless You!

by Terence TerTer February 2, 2011

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"Hey, we're Paramore!"

Taken from a YouTube video, it is best used when there is nothing left to say in the current string of conversation or when somebody is spewing a meaningless stream of shinfo

Dave: "...so anyway, like I said I was riding my bike..."
Jeff: "Hey, we're Paramore!"
Jeff: "Nobody gives a shit"

by Dylan1690 March 2, 2009

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hey shit pants

when you see the retarted kid pass a chunk in his/her pants and you say "hey shit pants" as oppose to "hey retard"

retard: shits pants

autistic kid: hey shit pants

by Faggot Disorder May 12, 2020

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Hey you dont say that!

the funniest qoute from the movie "Step Brothers"
you probably looked this up because you lolz so hard at the qoute that you decide to go on urban dictionary to lolz some more. or because you listen to Slayer and leik mudkipz

Will Ferrell:who's the retard?
John C.Reilly: You
Will Ferrell: Hey you dont say that!

by VoltronLadiesMan August 5, 2010

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Hey stop! State police!

What i heard while fleeing from the police at 1 am with my brother and our friend.

"Hey stop! State police!" Nah man I think I'll pass and keep going.

by Buddy Bestie September 6, 2023