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Super no homo

Covers the most gay actions

Damn i clapped my boys swags cheeks super no homo

by Urban in swag February 22, 2022

Chomo Homo

When you are trying to make things work, but you don't have enough and don't know what's going on.

Guy 1: Looks around
Guy 2: What is it?
Guy 1: I don't know
Guy 2: Chomo homo

by Qail97 February 21, 2022

Homo Pro

A hidden perk in Modern Warfare 3 only unlockable through the all perks bonus achieved at an 8 kill streak on the specialist strike package.

It allows you to spawn right behind your enemy and allows your bullets to follow people around corners.

Player 1: Dude what the heck I made it behind cover and he still killed me, how did he do that?

Player 2: He's probably got Homo Pro on....

Player 1: Woooow! What a try hard!

by DJ_CMore February 12, 2012

Homo kikeus

Also known as a kike. They are a living species of humans other than the Homo sapiens. They are known for having thick eyebrows hooked noses and fat faces.

The guy from the "Happy Merchant meme" is an example of a Homo kikeus.

by Diego_Brando June 11, 2022

Homo Garca

Homo Garca,Known as Negro Garca brother is a man who can extend and shrink his penis to whatever size he desires he is boundless and has sex with 2000 men every day he will always be faster smarter and stronger and you can't beat him unless you are gay, he also covers himself in cum which can't not be destroyed no matter what

Homo garca is so FUCKING gay

by I fuck women every day September 17, 2022

Homo Hood

A very obnoxious, narcustic hoodlum who, enjoys a mans company or penus.

MAN! Did you see that Homo Hood?! I saw him with Darnell just yesterday!

by beatthatjared February 21, 2011

Schrodinger's homo

When a person you normally think of as straight compliments you in such a way that you can't decide whether or not that they are a homosexual. There's a 50% chance that they are gay. Especially if they say "no homo."

Rick "Hey those pants really define the shape your ass. No homo."

Steve "Thanks, but is there something else you need to tell me?"

Alan "Rick has always been a Schrodinger's homo. Just embrace it."

by HarryStamperOil December 23, 2022