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honey cat

A honey cat is a cat that is hyper and is so annoying. I will fight any other cat in its way but will only care for it’s owner when it wants something.

OMG ur a Honey cat !!

by Littledevill October 14, 2018

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honey balls

Testicule-like pastries

Debbie: This is the best patry I've ever eaten!
James: What is it?
Debbie: Honey Balls!

by boozeballs August 13, 2011

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Daytime honey

A girl who puts low amounts of effort in her overall appearance but still looks flawless. Shes a natural beauty and gives off warm, sunny vibes

That girls a daytime honey, she never wears makeup and she looks beautiful

by Mcgoogles122 June 12, 2016

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honey dater

An ethnic urban lady with sexy curves who likes to date older rich men and receives an allowance for her time and showing up on the date. Usually set in a luxurious setting like an upscale restaurant or high-end resort. Typically arranged through an agency to keep things on the up and up.

More evolved form of sugar dating.

I'm not on that sugar baby crap... I'm a honey dater now.

How did you get with that girl you was with last night at the party? She was super hot.

Honestly, she was my girlfriend for the night, a honey dater and I fuckin' love it. No headache, no stress just NSA fun. I'm going to meet up with her again this week, we going to be at Edgars get together. Can't get enough

by Tulips Envy June 22, 2019

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Honey Combin

To act in a way to be behaving in an unusual manner.

Man why you gotta be honey combin a brotha like that.

Nigga why you always honey combin.

by lilcity321 December 25, 2009

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N. - Brownie Points attained when scoring a significant other in a game, not to be confused with real scores.

Generally used in co-ed softball.

While hitting a triple, James not only scored 2 RBI’s but also his girlfriend Bitch Meg, granting him much needed honey-points.

by GOATesville October 23, 2018

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Honey Bun

When someone pours honey on your ass before they eat it.

Jeff gave me a honey bun last night. We were both sticky as fuck, but it felt so good!

by kJBENNETT91 February 10, 2018

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