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mug's game

a fool's game... a game of chance ... a random guess

Investors might discover in the weeks ahead that calling a bottom in the housing downturn is a mug's game.
Wall Street Journal Justin Lahart wrote this sentence

by Jill M. Landsman January 9, 2007

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true to the game

When an individual is extremely serious about his/her daily affairs including things such as their work, their family, and / or their safety. True to themselves and the life they live.

I'm not going to fail this task, I'm true to the game.

You better stop threatening me, I'm true to the game.

That painter and visionary from Russia called Trootootoo is too true to the game.

by B Dizzle servin um hot November 26, 2013

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Penis Game

This is a game that needs a minimum of 2 players. it can be played anywhere from the workplace to school. It starts when one player says penis ! the other player must say penis ! but louder than the first person. it goes on until one player quits or cant get louder than the other.

Tom yelled Penis! and i instantly knew he was playing the penis game

by happyfeet... December 21, 2006

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Cubic Gaming

The greatest youtuber to walk the earth

Did you see the new Cubic Gaming video? It got 10,000,000 views, he is the best youtuber ever.

by CubicGaming November 30, 2020

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Porch Game

When you are hitting her back porch on the front porch, because her old man is inside the house.

He snuck over and hit it on the front porch. Jason has strong porch game.

by ForReelzDell September 7, 2019

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Game widow

A game widow is someone whose significant other is obsessed with gaming. They will sit alone night after night to the sounds of ghouls, guns and screeching tires, while their significant other continues to build the calluses on their fingers. The game widow will have numerous gaming machines to dust and clean all the while, she/ he is wondering what they can do to break them so they can have their significant other back in their lives.

A game widow is a person whose significant other plays games 24 hours a day or at least what seems like 24 hours a day.

by sillypeigal February 4, 2010

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Gaming Bucket

A "gaming bucket" is some sort of medium-sized container, jokingly, said to be used during long gaming sessions (4+ hours) in place of restroom breaks. This phrase was semi popular among some MMO gamers at one time.

Three guild members in a guild raid in an MMO:

<Shanksalot> "Hey guys, can we take a five minute bio after this boss?"
<Meatshield> "Whoa whoa whoa! We just took a bio break at the midpoint, why didn't you go then?"
<Shanksalot> "Uh...I didn't have to??"
<Omgwtfkill> "RAID FOUL!! Use your gaming bucket, pansy! lol"
<Omgwtfkill> "Gaming Bucket: Get it. Use it. Love it."
<Meatshield> "Kill...you're disgusting. o.o"
<Shanksalot> "..."

by ZoLatKam June 24, 2013

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