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what guys fake to get in girls pants

Girl: I love you let's get married

Guy: I love you too. Let's go upstairs ;)

by qwertyuuihjkl December 2, 2009

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A word 11 year Olds say after one day of "dating"

"hey Alexia I love you" *insert heart emoji here*

by Fluffy_pony82 June 21, 2015

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Love is putting someone else's well-being ahead of your own. Despite the traditional definitions of love being how you feel about someone, true love is about how you treat someone. Love is an action word! Love is to be given freely, regardless of your feelings towards a person, since the more love you give, the more you will receive!

True love is a mother waking up 10 times a night when a child cries, even when she is sleep-deprived and exhausted. Love is when a man (or woman) gives their significant other the freedom to do what is best for them, even if it means being separated for a long period of time.

by retro369 July 30, 2012

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the best but worse feeling in the world...

the feeling of not being able to survive w/out someone...thats love

by cherrynskittlez08 September 1, 2008

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Love is something you give to someone else because you want them to have it and be happy... Love is something that should not be fake, it should be 100% real... If you say you love someone or something you must mean it... When you are in love you must show that to the other person in a special way... If you do this right, they shall love you back... If you do it right and they dont love you then they must be going through something horable... This is going to make you feel notable... But you must suck it up and make them feel better by putting them before you... This is real love...

"Man, I really love her"

by Fenway04pedey October 15, 2017

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when you don't want to sleep, because reality is better than a dream.

i fell in love with im and we staied awake all night together.

by -eM January 4, 2007

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Love is the best feeling in the world your stomach gets filled with butterflies and all you want to do is spend time with the person your in love with. When your in love with someone you will feel all emotions and you will think about them every second of every day.

She's in love with him

by Kay Ann Ham July 15, 2018

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