When an individual "Likes" a series posts on a facebook thread.
Also known as a "Gordon Martin"
I just got 6 like notifications,,, ah, it was just another "Like-Strike" from Gordon Martin
An adjective that describes the boys that are scrawny, idiotic, annoying, unattractive, mean, nerdy, and have no rizz.
Group of Girls: “All the boys at are school are so Milton-like. We will never get boyfriends here.”
Boy 1: “Can I get the pass to say the n-word?”
Girl 1: “SEE! They are so Milton-like”
The act of liking every single one of someone's posts, even if they're bad, just because you know and like them.
Samantha is always loyal liking my posts. It clogs up my notifications.
If you're ever down at Bondi, chances are you'll hear this term used by the one and only Sammy.
The meaning and origin is still unknown but we assume Sammy heard Robert (who is legally not allowed to be on camera) saying the term and then started saying it. Sammy doesn't only use the term, he ABUSES IT. Every sentence he says he chucks in a "I like it" or "It is what it is"...
"Hey Sammy how are you"
"Good Baruch Hashem and you?"
"yeah not bad, did you see that tiktok i sent you?"
"I LIKE IT, hehehe"
The act of 'liking' and 'unliking' a status on Facebook in an attempt to trick the poster of the status.
I thought I had a like on my status I posted earlier, but it was just a Like Psych.
Constantly saying to someone "I like your pencilcase"
I was LIking pencilcase to Mike by telling him I like your pencilcase